Babies, Toddlers and… Their Past Lives!
On this episode we’ll be discussing a viral facebook group post about a child who started to describe a possible past life to her Mom, top comments from Moms with a similar experience and then we’ll be getting into the research, including a list of things your child might say to you if they’re trying to tell you about a past life; Enjoy!

Having Mom Friends Helps You Live Longer & Happier; It’s Science!
On this episode we’ll be sharing Hayden’s new nickname for Sonia, Grammys excitement, shopping trips at Target with Santa HoHo-ing everywhere, toddlers using large trend words, Jess’s hunch about Hallmark movies for littles, all Libras needing balance (even the two year old ones), how we’re going to be handling election convos, and how science is proving that having girlfriends/ mom friends helps you live longer and happier! Enjoy!

‘Geriatric’ Coffee Convos; Who’s Living Their Best ‘Beautiful Flannel Life’ With Us This Holiday Season?!
On this episode the ‘Geriatric’ Mamas talk about the app that their friends and family are using to track their kids, recap their very surprising pumpkin patch experience and then they lean in to Christmas with their rendition of the Hallmark Movie Countdown… mostly for the November 9th release about a pair of BFFs who seem to have a lot to accomplish this holiday season. Also, it’s Fertility week in the UK, so the Mamas highlight one British article with fertility myths to weigh in on. And finally, they discuss what’s on the podcast schedule for the holidays and how to find fun local holiday events to celebrate with your family and friends! Enjoy Mama!

BFF Road Trip w/ A Toddler & The True Crime Podcasts That Kept Us Going!
On this episode the ‘Geriatric’ Mamas share the events that took place during their road trip from Texas to Maine, including the challenges they faced during the journey and the unexpected adventures along the way. They discuss the realities of traveling with a toddler and the humorous but also terrifying moments that will forever be remembered. They reflect on late-night hotel horrors, discuss their favorite true crime podcasts for the drive, and share hilarious moments like videoing prank calls with their friends during their stop in North Carolina before finishing the drive home to set-up up for Hayden’s Two Let the Dogs Out birthday party!

The Fun Mom Fall Experience Checklist To Do With Your Littles And Mom Friends Too!
Sonia and Jessica share the fun mom Fall experience checklist to do with your littles and mom friends this season! The Mamas start with a chat about the unhinged Netflix series ‘Baby Fever’ and what makes it worth your watch! Next, they dive into Fall; the ten best Fall things to do with your little ones, friends and family this season! It’s the first week of September! So, if you start this list now, you might get to enjoy most of it before the Halloween costume shopping… and/or DIYing takes over! If you’re pregnant with your first or on your way to your miracle baby, still have all these amazing Fall experiences, but make them adult style! Enjoy Mama!

A ‘Geriatric’ Anniversary Special; You’ve Laughed And Cried With Us For One Full Year!
Join Sonia and Jessica for this ‘Geriatric’ Anniversary Special! You went to your doctor, you told them you wanted to have a baby over the age of thirty five… So, they ran a few tests… and then they called you some very offensive names. You thought to yourself… ‘who are they calling geriatric?!’ And then you found the ‘Geriatric’ Mamas podcast and laughed and cried through an entire year’s worth of fertility and motherhood stories! This episode is a list of your top ten favorite moments from the first year of the ‘Geriatric’ Mamas podcast; plus a restaurant in California gave a toddler wine instead of juice?! Happy anniversary, Mamas! Enjoy!

Parenting In Real Life; Millennials Share What It’s Really Like to Be A parent!
Join Sonia and Jessica for this real af chat about what parenting is like! The Mamas start with a discussion about the late night mama stories they’ve exchanged this week including Kylie Kelce setting the record straight on her non-pregnancy, pregnancy rumors and thirteen year old Aubreigh Wyatt’s tragic bullying story. Next, they open up about their personal parenting experiences and reveal what the Geriatric Mamas Community shared via story replies, emails and comments. They also read what other millennials had to say about the reality of parenting in a recent BuzzFeed.com article written by NYC-based lifestyle writer, Fabiana Buontempo. Enjoy!

The Chronicles of A Geriatric Mama in the Labor and Delivery Wing!
On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss the inevitable bumps and bruises of toddlerhood, their postpartum hospital experiences and their first few weeks at home as geriatric mamas to their miracle babies. C-Sections, solving colic symptoms, precious moments, postpartum rage texts, and bottles shaped like boobs; are they just another mommy marketing hoax?!

Parenting Styles At Home & On Hulu!
On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss twelve parenting styles found in three binge-worthy parenting tv series; Bringing Up Baby, Parental Guidance and Hulu’s, The Parent Test, the cringiest moments, the surprisingly most Gilmore Girls parenting style and is the hostess with the mostest really the mostest?