Having Mom Friends Helps You Live Longer & Happier; It’s Science!
On this episode we’ll be sharing Hayden’s new nickname for Sonia, Grammys excitement, shopping trips at Target with Santa HoHo-ing everywhere, toddlers using large trend words, Jess’s hunch about Hallmark movies for littles, all Libras needing balance (even the two year old ones), how we’re going to be handling election convos, and how science is proving that having girlfriends/ mom friends helps you live longer and happier! Enjoy!
Jessica and Sonia at Snell Family Farm.
Mentioned in this episode:
Meems @TwoLittlesToLove Reel the day after the 2024 Presidential Election.
The Facebook post about scrolling past things we don't agree with instead of unfriending or commenting aggressively…
The Article by Kristen Fuller, MD in Psychology Today about female friendships.
Female Friendships Are Good For Your Health By, Sara Lang on WomenAdvanceNC.org
Mom Reels For The Group Chat…
🤡 Violence Is... Usually Never The Answer!
🎃 Pumpkins Are Even More Useful Than We Originally Thought.
🙊 If Your Invite Has This Requirement, It’s A No For Me!
🤠 Need To Take A Little Moment Between Work Mode & Mom Mode?!
⏰ Tell Us It Wasn’t A Mom Who Made School Schedules Without Telling Us!
Reminder… Listeners can receive 20% off services at Ageless Medical Aesthetics in Westbrook, ME with Code: MAMAS2024 when you follow them on instagram!
Also… Receive a Free First Swim Class at Goldfish Swim in Portland, Maine with same code: MAMAS2024; you’ll need to call them to schedule your little one’s first class.
Thanks for listening!
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Have your journey to motherhood featured on the Geriatric Mamas podcast!
So many women have kept their fertility struggles a secret, and endured their pain alone. It doesn’t need to feel so isolating.
If you or someone you know is 35+ and struggled with fertility, experienced heartbreaking fostering or adoption challenges, endured a miscarriage, or were perhaps flat out told by a doctor that you will never conceive naturally, and eventually found your happy ending by becoming a mama, your story could be what keeps another woman going on her journey to her miracle baby!
Send us your story and it could be featured on the next HOPEisode!
xx, Sonia and Jessica
Please consult your physician for personalized medical and health advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition, your pregnancy, birth plan and post-partum treatments.
Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of something you have heard on the Geriatric Mamas podcast or website.