The Chronicles of A Geriatric Mama in the Labor and Delivery Wing!
On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss the inevitable bumps and bruises of toddlerhood, their postpartum hospital experiences and their first few weeks at home as geriatric mamas to their miracle babies. C-Sections, solving colic symptoms, precious moments, postpartum rage texts, and bottles shaped like boobs; are they just another mommy marketing hoax?!
Topics discussed in this episode:
The C-Section Hospital Stay (10:44)
Solving Colic Symptoms The Natural Way (33:31)
Bottles Shaped Like Boobs, Do They Really Prevent Confusion? (38:34)
Sleepless Nights (39:05)
Postpartum Swelling and Orange Pee… (44:08)
C-Section Recovery and An Exhausted Uterus, What?! (50:40)
Feeling Like Ourselves Again (53:54)
Cycle Syncing And A Former Postpartum Rage Texter (55:44)
Do The Pregnancy Cravings Go Away? (01:04:10)
Mom Bods (01:05:40)
“If I say I want to hold my baby in this moment, let me hold my baby in this moment.”
Adam and Jessica with baby Hayden.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Post C-section numbness near the incision site is a side effect that many women do not expect after a C-section and is a common side effect for many women, according to Dr. Iobst. Numbness occurs because, “small nerves get transected during surgery for the C-section,” he said. Due to the nerves being transected (completely severed), women will experience numbness near the incision site because the nerves are no longer functional, and some women may also experience itching near the site. To calm itchy skin, you can hold an ice pack (or ice) wrapped in a towel to the area for about five to 10 minutes.
Cycle Syncing to Balance Postpartum Hormones:
Cycle Syncing is about syncing our lives to our body’s changing hormones, (infradian rhythm), throughout our monthly cycles so that we can optimize our performance, energy levels, moods and overall happiness in life.
Before learning about cycle syncing, I knew my hormones had some control over my mood; but I didn’t realize that they were also controlling my physical energy levels and my confidence levels to the large degree that they do- and that it’s okay to plan accordingly and honor cycles as much as possible, so that we can feel like the best versions of ourselves more often.
We can actually adapt our diets, exercise routines, productivity, work and social lives to the different phases of our monthly infradian rhythm to feel great and do everything better than we would if we weren’t utilizing this knowlege. It’s basically like bio-hacking for female bodies.
How Sonia and Mike Eliminated Colic For Annabelle:
Blog Post Coming Soon… Be the first to know when it’s ready!
“I cherished that she felt most comfortable when she was on me sleeping.”
Baby Annabelle sleeping on Sonia in the hospital.
Additional Resources:
The Bottles That Worked For Annabelle:
MAM Easy Start Anti-Colic Bottle; Maximum comfort during bottle feeding. MAM's BPA/BPS-free Easy Start Anti-Colic Bottles are designed to reduce colic, gas, and reflux with a patented vented base that regulates pressure, ensuring babies do not get air in their tummies while feeding. 80% of mothers reported less colic in their babies after using MAM Anti-Colic Bottles.*
Thanks for listening and checking out the show notes!
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Please consult your physician for personalized medical and health advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition, your pregnancy, birth plan and post-partum treatments.
Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of something you have heard on the Geriatric Mamas podcast or website.