Babies, Toddlers and… Their Past Lives!
On this episode we’ll be discussing a viral facebook group post about a child who started to describe a possible past life to her Mom, top comments from Moms with a similar experience and then we’ll be getting into the research, including a list of things your child might say to you if they’re trying to tell you about a past life; Enjoy!
Mama’s Night Out!
Mentioned in this episode:
The Viral Older Mom Facebook Group Post About Reincarnation Says…
Hello mums, I have a 5 year old beautiful, clever girl.
I had her at age 45. She’s my first and only child; however, the thing is that for a few months my daughter has been saying that she had a different mum before me, a brother and a dog.
Her other mum was not a nice person and now she is with me. She likes me a lot because I am a nice mum.
She cuddles me a lot, tells me I love you. I do that lot too, so she learned it from me I think.
She even pointed out a house telling me that it was her previous home.
We’ve moved since she was born but from an apartment to a house in a different part of the country, where houses look different.
When she tells me this I always listen and reassure her that she is with me now. I believe her. Have you ever experienced this?
Top Comments…
Hi, my daughter was the same. She remembered several past lives. At age 7 she no longer remembers anything, but used to talk about her daughter Sarah. She would sing ‘I miss you Sarah’ and when we met someone of the same name she'd say that's my baby's name. She talked about her dog Lucky and her dad passing away when she was young and having to move to Paris. We only watched the wiggles and Barney the dinosaur so we did not get this from tv or a movie. I found it fascinating.
This happened to me when I was younger, we went to a new town one day which involved going over a river and I recognised it as where I used to live when I was alive before, and apparently I was able to tell my dad exactly how to get to my old house. We drove down the road and there was the house exactly as I said; it was the right house number, right coloured door, mid terrace. I was only just 4 at the time.
My son did something similar when he was about 3-4, he would say "when I was a man I wore a uniform" and he'd describe an old army uniform World War 2 style in detail, he'd tell me places he'd been and he knew routes on journeys better than I do now! He grew out of it but it did spook me sometimes- he also used to sleepwalk!!
Me and my sister used to talk about where we lived before, we both had exactly the same memories of a big white house with the trees in the front and a white wooden fence. We used to ask our mum if we could go back there.
Also my daughter is my youngest who is now 17. From when she was 3 she used to tell me that my mum, her Nanny was her mum, when I would correct her and say, no, she's my mum and your Nanny, she said, no mum, she is your mum now but she was my mummy before you became my mum. She told me that she was in my mums belly for a while, until she fell through a door and then she wasn't in nans belly anymore but in a room, she was in that room for a very long long time and then when a door appeared, she went through it and was in my belly and that was why Nan was her mum too.
My mum had a miscarriage before she fell pregnant with my younger brother
My almost 3yr old has been talking about her baby who died, her name was Blossom and she was 7 months old. A yucky scary man picked her up and she died. She said the yucky man was in the house and made the mum and dad die too. ( Not very nice)
She has also seen spirits, an elderly couple. So we showed her a heap of different family photos and she pointed to her great-grandparents who had both passed on.
My toddler is a lot older spiritually than most kids her age. Her big sister was the same, was a lot older than her age and used to talk about all of her fairy friends and their names. She would say quite often and also told me she had met my grandfather and knew who he was (when I showed her his photo). She said he was at my grandma's house, he was washing his hands in the bathroom and turned around, smiled and said ‘hello’. She described exactly what he was wearing- it was what he always wore and we don't have any photos of him in those clothes.
One Commenter Left A Photo Of A Book Called The Forgetting Time… and several people mentioned that it was a good read.
Facebook Groups To Join… The ‘Geriatric’ Mamas, Mums Over 40, Old New Moms, see you there!
There’s An Interview In Psychology Today By, Mark Metousek with Barbara Graham, Who’s the Author Of The Book What Jonah Knew… and it explains some of what’s been found through scientific research on reincarnation!
Dr. Ian Stevenson’s Video On The Scientific Evidence of Reincarnation… on YouTube
Christina Lopes’ Video About Past Life Regression… Where she mentions birth marks and their connection to past life injuries and cause of death.
The Netflix Docuseries Surviving Death… Features Dr. Jim Tucker, (mentioned in this episode) and covers what people saw when they died and were brought back to life. One woman recounts her experience of dying after going into labor with placenta previa and having an emergency c-section.
Mom Reels For The Group Chat…
🤡 Violence Is... Usually Never The Answer!
🎃 Pumpkins Are Even More Useful Than We Originally Thought.
🙊 If Your Invite Has This Requirement, It’s A No For Me!
🤠 Need To Take A Little Moment Between Work Mode & Mom Mode?!
⏰ Tell Us It Wasn’t A Mom Who Made School Schedules Without Telling Us!
Reminder… Listeners can receive 20% off services at Ageless Medical Aesthetics in Westbrook, ME with Code: MAMAS2024 when you follow them on instagram!
Also… Receive a Free First Swim Class at Goldfish Swim in Portland, Maine with same code: MAMAS2024; you’ll need to call them to schedule your little one’s first class.
Thanks for listening!
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xx, Sonia and Jessica
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