How to Sync Your Life to Your Cycle So That You Can Thrive And Also Not Murder Anyone In Your Luteal Phase!
On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss the anxiety of going live with the podcast, the aftermath apology tour, the life changing benefits of cycle syncing and how to get started, seed cycling and more on rage texts because anything is possible in the luteal phase, maybe Jodi Arias wasn’t to blame for decapitating her boyfriend?

The Chronicles of A Geriatric Mama in the Labor and Delivery Wing!
On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss the inevitable bumps and bruises of toddlerhood, their postpartum hospital experiences and their first few weeks at home as geriatric mamas to their miracle babies. C-Sections, solving colic symptoms, precious moments, postpartum rage texts, and bottles shaped like boobs; are they just another mommy marketing hoax?!