Geriatric Coffee Convos: They’re Singing Deck The Halls!
On this Geriatric Coffee Convos episode, Sonia and Jessica try to sing Mariah Carey’s Christmas song and then move on to discuss the new Geriatric Mamas team member, posts on the Geriatric Mamas Facebook Group, not having bouffants, children behaving a little bit extra when mom enters the room, a beloved geriatric football mama, Kourtney Kardashian giving birth to her baby at the age of forty four and being girl bosses but also the default parents and IVF on the Latest Season of American Horror Stories.
Topics discussed in this episode:
Per Adam’s Aunt Courtney’s Suggestion, We Needed another Geriatric Coffee Convos Episode (10:45)
11/12 is National Happy Hour Day! (11:40)
We Have a New Marketing And Promotions Manager! Welcome to the Geriatric Mamas Team Alyssa! (12:46)
Hilarious Post on the Geriatric Mamas Facebook Group (13:31)
We Don’t Have Bouffants, But Will We When We’re Grandmothers? (17:34)
The Viral Wifey Haircut (19:02)
We Heard That Children Behave 800% Worse When They’re With Their Moms (22:14)
Mommy Makeovers (40:19)
Guess Who’s A Geriatric Mama and Making it to All of Her Two Son’s NFL Games Too? We’re still Not Mathers. (42:33)
Kourtney Kardashian Had Her Miracle Baby! (50:46)
Being The Girl Bosses Circa 2010 and Also the Default Parents (56:15)
Jessica Takes Us Back to The Reversing Menopause Episode (01:02:53)
IVF On The New Season Of American Horror Stories (01:56:58)
Stassi, Beau and Their Babies’ Halloween Costumes Were So On Point (01:09:16)
Finding Family and Children’s Holiday Pajamas (01:10:35)
The MIL Who Told Her DIL To Put Cereal In Her Newborn’s Bottle (01:12:09)
“We have 16 subscribers on YouTube; so that means we just need 99,984 more before we can share full episodes with you! ”
If we decide to get the Grandma cut that our Grandmother’s had at our age!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
a bouffant hairstyle.
"we backcombed her hair into a bob-shaped bouffant"
Wifey Haircuts During Their Weddings:
Article about children behaving badly when they’re with their moms:
Children are about 800% "worse" when their mothers are around to egg them, says a study from the University of Washington Department of Psychology, according to mommypage
The study shows that the percentage "doubles to 1,600% if the children are under the age of 10."
The study was first published in momnewsdaily and soon went viral. The survey contacted 500 families to check and report their findings.
The scientists reportedly recorded "Neediness, Whine Crying, Shriek Screaming, Attempted Slapping, Forgetting How To Walk/Use Words, and Acting The Fool."
"What we found was that children as young as eight months old could be playing happily but upon seeing their mother enter a room were 99.9% more likely to begin crying, release their bowels, and need her immediate attention. The .1% was a vision-impaired child but once he heard his mother's voice he began throwing things and asked for a snack despite having just eaten. Truly fascinating," Professor of Marriage and Family Psychology, Dr. K.P Leibowitz, said.
Football Mom Donna Kelce is a ‘Geriatric Mama’ Check out her Instagram:
Notes: And Sonia pronounced her name wrong the whole time but knows its pronounced Kel-cie; aka two syllables. And yes, she does have grandchildren!
Thanks for listening and checking out the show notes!
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