A Prehistoric Birthday Special With BFF Guests Tiff & Mama Manda!
On this Prehistoric Birthday Special episode, Sonia and Jessica are joined by surprise guests Tiffany Baynard and Amanda Allen to discuss stories and experiences about aging, keeping children safe at the pool, strangers invading their children’s personal space in stores, answer questions from Instagram followers, aka talk through their memorable (and geriatric millennial) concert experiences and weigh in on emotions surrounding the gender reveal of their children. This episode is proof that what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas.

Geriatric Coffee Convos: We’re ‘Old Moms’, Of Course We Talk About It On A Podcast!
On this Geriatric Coffee Convos episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss a variety of topics including how they got through the two week wait after doing IVF embaby transfers, the latest instagram reel trend (but make it the ‘we’re old moms’ version), they weigh-in on the surrogacy gestational carrier who was asked to terminate a healthy pregnancy by intended parents story, and give an update on the status of their new year’s resolutions.

Geriatric Coffee Convos: They’re Singing Deck The Halls!
On this Geriatric Coffee Convos episode, Sonia and Jessica try to sing Mariah Carey’s Christmas song and then move on to discuss the new Geriatric Mamas team member, posts on the Geriatric Mamas Facebook Group, not having bouffants, children behaving a little bit extra when mom enters the room, a beloved geriatric football mama, Kourtney Kardashian giving birth to her baby at the age of forty four and being girl bosses but also the default parents and IVF on the Latest Season of American Horror Stories.