Parenting Styles At Home & On Hulu!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Parenting Styles At Home & On Hulu!

On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss twelve parenting styles found in three binge-worthy parenting tv series; Bringing Up Baby, Parental Guidance and Hulu’s, The Parent Test, the cringiest moments, the surprisingly most Gilmore Girls parenting style and is the hostess with the mostest really the mostest?

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Miscarriages and a Baby Teradactyl with BFF Guest Tiffany Baynard</a>!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Miscarriages and a Baby Teradactyl with BFF Guest Tiffany Baynard!

On this episode, Sonia and Jessica are joined once again by long-time bff Tiffany Baynard. This time, the three discuss miscarriages; personal experiences, the statistics, why the topic is so taboo, some ways to cope, and how friends and family members can support parents who have experienced this devastating loss.

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Irresponsible Reproductive Citizens?! Let’s Flop Into It!</a>
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Irresponsible Reproductive Citizens?! Let’s Flop Into It!

On this episode Jessica and Sonia discuss the stigma of being an older mom! AKA an irresponsible reproductive citizen. They share the stats, question why women decided they needed to do it all, and share the many titles geriatric mamas have been given; people truly say the darnedest things!

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Meet the Geriatric Mamas!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Meet the Geriatric Mamas!

In this first episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss their journeys to geriatric mamahood, why they waited so long to have children, fertility treatments, miscarriages, pregnancy reveals and miracle rainbow babies.

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Geriatric Mamas Podcast Official Trailer!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Geriatric Mamas Podcast Official Trailer!

Geriatric Mamas is a real and unfiltered podcast about life as advanced maternal aged mamas hosted by Jessica Rizzieri and Sonia Tapley. Neither of them were familiar with the term Geriatric Pregnancy before getting pregnant. Who is?! They’ll be sharing fertility journeys, birth stories, parenting, recipes, health and wellness, funny stories, and whatever else their old AF geriatric hearts desire! So, follow along and join the conversation as they lean in to geriatric parenthood!

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