Geriatric Happy Hour: Dear Facebook Friends, Am I In ‘Sexy Menopause’?!
On this Geriatric Happy Hour, Sonia and Jessica discuss a variety of topics; including an update on Krissy Anderson’s husband speaking out about her death from sepsis after the stillbirth of their daughter, Sonia’s Facebook question about the maternal health risks of a stillbirth, and the need for more women’s health research. They also weigh-in on a viral instagram post by @OwnItBabe about European parenting and the 28-minute Bluey special that has everyone talking! Bring some bubbles (or some flacid rosé) and listen to this geriatric happy hour rant wherever you listen to podcasts!

Experiencing & Coping with Loss: Courtney’s Story!
On this episode, Sonia and Jessica are joined by Courtney, aka Adam’s fabulous Aunt. Her name has been mentioned several times on the podcast and she’s the reason why ‘Geriatric Happy Hour’ was created. Courtney is joining the Geriatric Mamas to share the story of her two beautiful angel babies, being their mama, coping with loss and the unimaginable grief of loosing her children to SMA Type One in infancy. Also, the state in which Jessica showed up to meet Adam’s family for the first time, (photo in the show notes for your enjoyment).